Thursday, September 25, 2008


OK, so I just got back from dinner and drinks with my roommates, its the first time we all went out together! They are SOOO funny and nice, I spent the whole time laughing, OMG, hlarious! THEN I find out they are both LEO's! (I know there are skeptics out there about zodiac signs, but I'm a believer) Leos are my second favorite sign (behind Sagittarius of course). Leos are the most outgoing, cutest, friendliest ppl. I am so lucky to have found these two girls. Its the start of a strong friendship and a great yr together! Ill post pics of us three soon!

Cheers to the fire signs!-- Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.

ONE of the convos we had (en broken espaniol y english):

my roommate: "whats the difference between closed and close?"

Me: "Closed has a d"

my roommate: "a what?"

Me: "a D, like dog."

my roommate: "un perro?"

Me: "si, exacamente"

my roommate: "and what does closed have?"

"a D!"

my roommate:"entonces, what does close have?"

Me: "nothing."

my roommate:
"I thought you said it had a D!"

Me: "no, closed has a d, and close has nothing, no D"

my roommate:"but how can it have nothing and a d at the same time?"

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