My girls are coming to visit TOMORROW! Shannon from Texas & Isabel from England! We all studied together at Queens University in Belfast, Shannon was getting a Masters Degree in Irish Studies & Isabel was getting a Masters Degree in Comparative Ethnic Conflict and International Politics, WITH ME! Isabel and I lived together (along with another guy our age and my boyfriend of the time), she is the best room mate ever, we had so much fun in that house: parties, good food, workout sessions in the backyard, crazy banister surfing fun, all of us created a band out of the small instruments I brought back from my African trip (drums, xylophones, cha-cha's, lol) and whenever we had guests, especially when we were drinking, they would be guest band members! YOU NAME IT WE DID IT!!!!! Use your imagination. Our neighbors probably HATED US! That was a fun freakin house! LOL.
And Shannon, it took us a while to REALLY fall in love. She and I had a mutual friend first that we loved, then we all started hanging out and slowly Shannon and I became best friends. She met me and my BF at the time in Spain on the beach when we were on vacation (You know I had to love her to have her join me and a boyfriend and share the hotel room with us! HA) She is the only friend I EVER IN MY LIFE cried for when I had to leave them. That day I left Ireland and said goodbye to her was PAINFUL! We saw each other again in Florida for Matt's wedding though and she was a part of my new life, she met my new boyfriend and filled her in on everything, even though we've been emailing and sending each other gifts, it was like we never left each other. I am so lucky to get to see her twice in one year even though she lives so far!
OH YEAH, after me and my ex moved out of the house, Shannon moved into my room, with Isabel and our other room mate, so we all were in love! :)
So, now we are having a reunion in Spain! I haven't been this excited in a long time, and I am a happy, easy to excite girl(not that way, well, lol, you know)! Anyway, this is going to be an amazing week.
These are some throw back pictures of our happy times! Ahhhh... life is GREAT, my friends keep me alive, I can't imagine my life without my friends, what stories would I have to tell? Who would I be able to cry to? Who can I count on to visit me when I'm in another country? Who would send gifts in the mail and happily receive mine? Who would accept my craziness and silliness, and have some of their own? Who would put up with my loud mouth when I drink? Who would I have to take fun, crazy pictures with? Who would I have to experience my life with, forever? Friends can never be replaced, not by a boyfriend, a pet or anything! OK, enough sappiness, I have to prepare for my girls! xo my loves, I love you both!
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