Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween in Malaga

Halloween is a new holiday here and the people aren't too fond of it. They don't celebrate it like us Americans do, they think of it as a day to celebrate the dead and being that Spain is such a religious country, the idea of dressing up as villains, ghosts, and vampires, is not such a popular idea, Although in the past 10 years it´s caught on quite a bit.

This year, the Botellion (public drinking) was allowed in the famous Plaza de la Merced (birth place of Picasso). So after a pre-party at my house, we headed out o see what was up with Halloween in Malaga 2009!

This year I started with black wings, which I bought in florida this summer and dragged all the way to Spain so I wouldn't have to go crazy looking for something that just isn't available here! I transformed myself into some kind of dark fairy or something, I don't know, does it really matter what I was? NO! At least I wasn't some girl using Halloween as an opportunity to wear nothing, which for me is okay, I just don't want to be "that" girl... anyway, WAY off topic...

Here's a bit of documentation of Halloween in Malaga. the lifestyle here is outdoors, always, so of course we spent all night outdoors with hundreds of people!

awww... how cute my baby is with sexy Corey!

Pre-party at my place!

The after affect: Plaza de la Merced at 5am:

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