I'm a bit disappointed in myself today.
I failed my Spanish exam.
Well, actually, there were three parts, and I passed one with a 100%, another with an 80%, but the 3rd one, I failed by 10 points, therefore I failed the whole exam. I dont really agree with the way that it is graded, other people got 50% on all three parts and passed (50% is the passing grade in Spain). If you average all my marks together, I come out with a passing mark! But oh well... I'm going to repeat the course I guess.
So in my last four months in Spain, Im going to work hard to study more Spanish, it was the writing that I had the most problems, listening and comprehension I passed. I didn't know how to use the subjunctive form of the past participles. To be completely honest I was going through a lot the week before the exam. My friend died, I broke up with Spanish guy, I was an emotional mess, but I still managed to study. I guess not enough though.
Geezzz... I'm so disappointed.
mami, sabes que no eres una perdedora. para mi eres lo mas, la chica con mas caracter y mas cojones que he conocido. por eso, yo se que puedes con todo lo que te propongas hacer. asi que no importa si has suspendido esta porqueria de examen. lo importante para mi es que has aprendido un monton de español, que lo has hecho de puta madre (habiendo ido solo 2 veces por semana a clase) y mejor que otros que van cada dia a clase. no te preocupes por un examen puerco, sabes hablar español perfectamente, ya lo has demostrado, ademas llevas la lengua latina en tu sangre!!!
yo estoy muy orgulloso de tu esfuerzo titanico, y estoy seguro de que al final de curso, tendras tu diploma.
ANIMO MI CAMPEONA!!!!!no te rindas!!
millones de besos dulces.
Gracias! Es la verdad que tengo cojones, jajajajaa, podria tener mas durante el examen, O ANTES!!!! Pero bueno, vida es asi, ahora no hay nada hacer, solo intentalo de nuevo.
Gracias por el appoyo.
tu eres la puta madre tia...te echo de menos cuando no estamos juntos y lo mas que sé sobre ti...la mas que me gusta. no pasa nada sobre tu exam...i feel a little guilty from it. jonathan won FAMA if you cared to know...
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