So I don't want to bore everyone with my Barcelona stories. I think the city in general was a bit hyped up for me, I expected A LOT more, but I appreciate it as a cultural center. Personally I prefer traditional Europe, not a cosmopolitan city. I come from NYC, if I want cosmopolitan I'll go back to New York and visit my family and friends while I'm at it! (sorry if I sound harsh, its that time of the month :X)
So I booked the trip for the weekend that they played against Malaga (the city where we live). To be honest I felt a little bad that I wasn't rooting for Malaga, I SHOULD be a fan, but I have to stay loyal to my man and his team I guess.
Here are my impressions of the game: It's NOTHING like watching a live game in the States!!! There is no music (except for the intro song), no one narrating the game, they don't get the crowd invovled AT ALL, the people don't yell and scream, they don't sell beer... I couldn't believe it! I had a better time watching it on TV, at least I had the liberty to drink and eat what I wanted and listen to the men describe the game, geezzz...
Anyway, what WAS amazing is that the stadium is HUGE! AND people make paper airplanes during the whole match and launch them in the air in an attempt to make it to the soccer field. A few were successful, my plane didn't make it 4 feet before it crashed into someones head-- I quit after that . That was my favorite part of the whole experience.
(you can tell by my facial expression I was EXTREMELY disappointed with the outcome)
una vez más, gracias por hacer uno de mis sueños realidad.
nunca lo olvidaré.
tots unit fem força
son molts d'anys plens d'afanys
son molts gols que hem cridat
i s'ha demostrat
s'ha demostrat
que mai ningú no ens podrà tòrcer
Blau Grana al vent
un crit valent
tenim un nom
el sap tothom
Barça!, Barça!, Baaaarça!!!!
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