Monday, May 17, 2010

Romería de San Isidro en Nerja

I went to my first Romería! Now, if you all are like me at all, you're probably thinking, what the F is a Romería!

os explico...

Es una fiesta popular de pueblos donde todo el mundo se visten con trajes antigüos, comen comida tradicionales en honor de un santo que antiguamente creeían que el santo protegía el pueblo.

This Romería was in Nerja and their saint is Saint Isidro.

So we got to Nerja and we had to walk up a mountain to get to the woods. The party was in the woods and lasts all day and all night.

It's a TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL European or Spanish party with Euro music and all! See the videos (I turned into a euro chic):

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