After a spectacular year in Spain living with Spanish guy and recently getting engaged. We are now in NYC. He arrived a few days ago and I couldn't be happier. He's adapted nicely, bought a NY Yankees hat (anyone's right of passing for assimilating into the NYC culture), we've been running around the city like children in a candy shop, only instead of sweets, we are attracted by the lights, the restaurants, the museums, beaches, friends, people, fountains, iced coffees, different cultural neighborhoods and the amazing fashion available at low prices.
Its fantastic to be able to share so many experiences with each other. We will continue the exploration throughout the summer before he heads back to Spain for a mini vacation in September then get ready for a full year in NEW YORK CITY!
The city that never sleeps and the city that makes US never want to sleep!
July 4th, roof top party!:

on the wonder wheel, in Coney Island:

Coney Island:

heading out to watch the World Cup Spanish game:

Playing in the fountain at Washington Square Park:
1 comment:
nice nice days and times!!!
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