Thursday, March 10, 2011

NYC newlywed

I'm a NYC newlywed alone in NYC. My husband is away for a few months and I find myself sitting on my funky red couch watching Jersey Shore alone. I went to the gym today and I took my time, after all, I had no one to come home and have dinner with. I'm on my own schedule now. I don't have to take care of anyone but myself, but that doesn't mean that I don't think of my husband. I was thinking of him all day and I'm sure I'll think of him everyday until he gets back.

I'm going to use this time in a positive way. I have five races that are coming up. I'll be training for them. I'm going to focus on work, I'm teaching an advanced film class this semester and my students are amazing! I'm also going to read more novels and write in my journal a bit more.

I'm sure the time will speed by, but I miss him a lot.

I'll talk to him tomorrow. :)

For now, I'm a NYC newlywed living all alone.


Flonia said...

Ay pobresita! Entre su trabajo y las carreras, por no hablar de sus amigos y familiares, el tiempo pasarĂ¡ volando. Donde se queda Alex ahora, con su familia?

mendoza said...

eso espero... alex esta viviendo con un amigo nuestro en el centro de malaga, pero todavia no escuche nada de el... :/