Wednesday, April 20, 2011

If it's good enough for Obama, it's good enough for us: SPRING BREAK 2011

WASHINGTON DC: the beginning of Spring break 2011
full of monuments, great times with a close friend, history, politics, parks, movies, sun and sunsets:

absolutely wonderful

the white house:

the white house with a long-time friend that lived on two separate continents with me, how special:
brunch in the sun across from the white house:
the white house from the back:
the Washington monument:
WWII memorial:
the Lincoln memorial:

The Washington monument:
The Jefferson memorial:
The Jefferson memorial:
A darling little canal:
the Georgetown waterfront:
I indulged in a personal pizza on the Georgetown waterfront:
the Potomac river:
a charming street in Georgetown:
the state capital building:

I'm taking full advantage of my time in the USA.
Next up? 
The Grand Canyon and Las Vegas!

1 comment:

melp said...

What a GREAT vacation! Show your country how much you love and appreciate her!