Friday, April 22, 2011

The oldest bar in NYC- McSorleys, SPRING BREAK 2011

"Established in 1854 - McSorley's can boast of being New York City's oldest continuously operated saloon. Everyone from Abe Lincoln to John Lennon have passed thru Mcsorley's swinging doors. Women were finally allowed access to McSorleys in 1970!", states its website.

During the 6th evening/night of SPRING BREAK 2011 (woo hoo) we ventured into history, and became part of it in the oldest pub in NYC! It's 157 years old! There are wish bones that soldiers left dangling from the light fixture in the bar before leaving to fight in WWII, they left them there with the anticipation that they would take them down when they returned, but they never came back... the wish bones are still there waiting.

Interesting NYC history, I'm so happy that I experienced and learned about it.

 the wishbones: 

(then we went out to a more modern place after, haha)


Alex said...

woww!!! que interesante la historia del bar. aunque lo de los huesos es un poco triste no??

tambien el sitio parece muy way, muy cool!!!

tenemos k ir ahi este verano. y a muchos sitios mas!!

besitos my love

Anonymous said...



McSorley's is 157 years old, not 170.

Do they teach math when not on spring break?

mendoza said...

Math is obviously NOT my forte! Haha, thanks for keeping me on my mathematical toes, will correct it for all you math whizzes out there! ;)

Alex said...

to the anonymous:

whoever you are, you need to chill out.

is her blog, not your blog. so she can write whatever she wants.