Sunday, April 3, 2011

welcomed into my friends family

I had such a cool weekend experience, that I have to share! On Saturday I celebrated my friends' mothers 60th birthday with her and all her extended family members! It was so special because when I was in high school, up until present day, I used to spend weekends at their house, eat breakfast with them, have deep conversations, etc, so it was so nice to be invited to this party! I was the only non family member there-- I felt so special and appreciative!
It was a straight up Puerto Rican HOUSE PARTY, the salsa music was blasting, we played dominoes and bingo, people brought plates of food, and of course there was flan! Home made! YUM! It was so nice to be a part of this fabulous family celebration!

(PS-- I won a $20 Starbucks Gift card, a bottle of wine, and a scratch off that was stuffed in an easter egg-- we had an easter egg hunt)

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