Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene: my story #1

HURRICANE IRENE (how we are spending it!)
(I have to admit, I've always wanted to be in a natural disaster, and Im in the heart of one right now, EXCITING-- the wind is making all sorts of rukus right now 12:30am!)

online for a few hours (my loves came over-- love love love!!), haha:

The rain and wind BLASTING Brooklyn and we went out! <-- thats an exaggeration, the worst hasn't come yet.

stocking up!!! NO OTHER WAY! :D

HURRICANE IRENE EVE-- with some of the people I LOVE most:

If anything happens, it ended with non-stop laughter with GREAT people, SO HAPPY!
Not even a HURRICANE can hold us back! PURE LOVE


Omoreno815 said...

Best time ever! LMFAO..."Cholullaahh Saauucce" :)

mendoza said...

listen, I cant ever stop laughing with all of you together! We should hang out EVERYDAY! :D haha