One of the writing prompts that we were given while taking this workshop was to select a moment in our life and to research and write about it in a historical/political context. For example, I selected the day I received my acceptance letter to my masters program. I cried for joy! I'm currently writing about that moment and talking about the Lower East Side housing projects and immigration to the that area as well as the revolution in Cuba to pull the story together of how my parents met and what my community/educational life was like leading up to that moment. Cool, right?
I think these types of reflections/research projects are so important to explore who we are and where we come from. Also, to share our stories with others and really bring us together. Okay, I'll stop being so educational/philosophical now! :D
Write on!
that´s amazing baby!!! why you so payasa-filósofa?
es just dentro de mi!
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