Sunday, December 9, 2012

Home renovations Complete: Our Tiny NYC apartment

Our bedroom renovation is done, we just have to order some art for the feature wall (above the bed). Its was A LOT of stress and bickering for me and Spanish Guy, he got mad over little things that went wrong and couldn't wait until it was over (He's obsessed with cleanliness and orderly spaces)! I'm surprised our marriage survived it! I recommend anyone who is going to renovate their homes to hire someone! haha.

Despite all that, there were some fun moments of painting/non-stop laughter and dancing with the music blasting-- the final result is a perfect little bedroom for us and the rest of the house came out so darling as well! Happy ME!

We used light icy colors to create a larger bedroom illusion and we are limiting the things that we hang on the walls (this is hard for me because I love pictures and art!)



1 comment:

Alex said...

La habitacion ahora se ve muchisimo mas acogedora! Parece hasta mas grande, a que si boobita?