Sunday, October 13, 2013


So with this whole move, I haven't been able to blog about my time in Paris or the other places I visited for that matter. But I'll do it slowly. (The internet still isn't set up at my place, soo..)

When I arrived in Paris, I was beat! So tired! I didn't sleep well, I had a middle seat in the middle rows on the airplane with an older woman that enjoyed being shoe-less and putting her feet up (on me), anyway, thats besides the point. When I arrived, I met my friend in the airport and we navigated the Paris Metro System to make our way to our lovely apartment we would call home for the next few days.

At 4pm we arrived, showered, dressed and stepped out into the charming streets of Paris, stopping for wine, having street food, shopping in small boutique shops, it was so glamourous, I felt like a million bucks! The energy of Paris intoxicated me in a way that no other city has. I was blown away by its architecture and the beauty of its people.

The best part was:

I have friends living in Paris so everyday, like pros, they showed us around, took us through the side streets, invited us to their home for brunch, and the most perfect experience (for me) was that we had picnics!

My dream was to spend the summer in Paris drinking wine, cutting fresh flowers and eating Brie cheese and baguettes, and thats just what we did. Our picnics included an Eiffel Tower backdrop, we sat on park benches eating and drinking, along the river, where ever we were inspired.

And thats how I spent the first leg of my Euro Trip. Living my life with no cares, no worries, doing as I pleased, sleeping as much as I wanted and staying out until the crack of dawn, practicing my French and feeding my soul.

Here's some pictures:

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