Sunday, March 23, 2014

Visiting the Museum of the City of New York


Spanish Guy and I spent this afternoon at the Museum of the City of NYC. Unlike other museums where I've mostly felt detached from the exhibited works, this museum spoke to me culturally (Besides the activist exhibit not including the Young Lords and the Black Panthers)! I grew up in NYC, so I enjoyed seeing how the city has changed over the years and learning about the major players (JACOB RIIS, THE HENRY STREET SETTLEMENT, ETC) and of course, there was a general theme of resilience among the many who have called NYC their home.

We really enjoyed the video of the history of New York and learned that NYC Shipping was the first to develop the concept of transportation schedules, as opposed to leaving when boats (or any mode of transportation) was full . Full or not, New York started following a set schedule. CRAZY!

Visiting this museum was an inspiring experience and made me feel proud to be a New Yorker. I left feeling refreshed culturally!

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