Monday, February 1, 2010

FOUR more months in Malaga

So I only have four more months left in one of the most amazing places on earth! I have about 17 more weeks in the most gorgeous city ever! I have until June to enjoy the company of my Spanish friends before I leave my home here and return to New York City.

It seems surreal. I can't ever imagine how I EVER lived anywhere else in my life. This place is so amazing, the weather, the scenery, the naturalism, the people, the fashion, the culture, the food, EVERYTHING!

To be honest, I really like my New York summers too. I don't know what I would do without them. My friends, all of the cultural activities, Coney Island, the night life, the restaurants, oh gosh, I LOVE IT! I am SO excited about the coming months.

In three weeks I am going to Italy and Barcelona. After that I am going to Morocco, then I'll be in Prague. In between all this, I will try to make it around Spain as much as possible for weekend trips before heading back to New York City (and traveling around the USA a bit, Florida, North Carolina, and Texas), and then **hopefully** to live in France for a while!!

Until then, I will enjoy my walks along the beach, lunches in the sun, runs in the mountains, and coffee breaks with friends!

My two FABULOUS friends! I LOVE them!

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