Sunday, November 28, 2010

The funniest thing in the WORLD is happening right now, so funny that I cant continue to type!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

As the person primarily responsible for the posting of this message, I would like to extend an explanation.

Christine Mendoza recently asked me the very high honor of marrying her and her future husband to be. Of course, I was humbled by her request and I accepted with the utmost gratitude. Since then, I have become a legally ordained minister of the Universal Life Church and I am now able to be an official minister of their wedding! It's very exciting for us both and I can't wait to marry Christine and Alex. But first, I have to decide on whether I will be called The Very Reverend, The Minister of Peace, Arch Deacon, Bishop, Arch Bishop, Priestess, Spiritual Warrior, The Very Esteemed, Universal Rabbi, Universal Philosopher of Absolute Reality, or Child of the Universe.

Thus far I cannot decide however in the interim I will use a combination of such titles until I find the most appropriate and befitting.

In her holiness,
The Arch Deacon,
The Minister of Peace,


mendoza said...

This is the funniest shizzit ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the crazy part is that its true! Im so excited!

in peace love and holiness-