Friday, December 10, 2010

in the house on a Friday night.

Its 10:45pm right now and this is the first Friday that I haven't gone out in... I would sincerely say... about eight months. Now I know that may sound unbelievable, but I calculated it. I usually live it up on the weekends starting with Friday. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, maybe a dinner, or drinks, or out to a friends house, something, but I am definitely out of the house! I don't know how ANYONE can stay in the house on a weekend after working all week! Especially a young professional with no kids! Don't people get the itch to go out?

Well, tonight, I broke an eight month streak, because I have a race tomorrow morning at 9am--a four-mile race to be exact. I know its not long, but its my first race since my half marathon in Spain. I'm super excited about it.

This special event tomorrow has brought me to the decision to call it an early night. I ate baked ziti and a salad earlier, surfed the web (ha) and now, here I am, writing the closing blog of December 10th.

Nighty-night. This runner has got to rest up.


Alex said...

wow! que responsable baby!

mendoza said...

YeH, sometimes I do the right thing. ;)