Tuesday, May 24, 2011

today was full of life, success and inspiration!

I had a GREAT day today.

Started out with an ice coffee after waking up from a smooth nine-hour sleep... sigh... my bed is like a cloud!

Then, my students and I were invited to see a preview screening of Kungfu Panda 2 at MTV studios today in Times Square. It was followed by a hilarious discussion with Jack Black! YES! THE Jack Black! He is so funny and so silly, not to mention a great actor. The film was SO inspirational, I recommend it to anyone of any age!

Our feedback form and 3D glasses

Jack Black talking about KungFu Panda 2

From there, the day just got better! My students had their rough-cut screening. They showed their in-progress film to a group of professional photographers, filmmakers and administrators. The feedback was generally positive and helpful suggestions were given for how to make the film better. (sorry, I know this is boring for the general population, but for someone like me in the film/teaching world, it was a really great experience)

From 6-9pm I had a ball in my Spanish class. The seven of us spoke about politics, the end of the world, and travel--  it was just a great vibe!

Now I'm home watching Teen Mom and blogging. I'm so happy that I waited to have kids, otherwise I wouldn't be able to live the life that I do.

Heading to Miami in 3 days! Yippie Skippy!!!!

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