Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Delaware River and French Town, NJ

Relaxing, and quaint. Picture perfect.
 With my friends from High School. 

We tubed down the Delaware River, it was a 4 1/2 HOUR RIDE (I WANTED TO SHOOT MYSELF) I have too much energy to sit in a tube and go down a slow river for even 30 min! I had to keep on shifting positions and squirting bugs with my water gun! Thank god for the hot-dog man: an outdoor restaurant in the river! It was sick, we sat on benches while the river went by under us. Definitely a unique experience! That was pretty awesome! 

Then we had lunch, iced-coffees and took a stroll through French Town, NJ, a charming little town where everyone was happy and relaxed. I wanted to stay there for a few days-- it was so nice! sigh...

My vacation is almost over, four more days! ahhh!!

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