Sunday, January 15, 2012

Book Swapping in Bed Stuy

Spanish guy & I were invited to a fabulous event last night, by an old High School friend of mine, called Sip & Swap at One Last Shag in Bed Stuy. The idea is that you bring in books that you have read and are just sitting in your house-- and you swap them for other hard or paper backs. I brought in four great ones, and had high hopes of what to swap them with... 

One of the fabulous books I grabbed is titled, "Writers Dreaming", the story of about 20 famous writers and their creative process. This is just what I needed to begin writing my book again (I started writing a book over two years ago, then my laptop was stolen and the process came to a hault)! It was perfect! After we swapped our books, Spanish guy got a few as well, we sat down for a pint or two and enjoyed the new environment.

What a GREAT NYC experience, and how nice it was to get out into a different neighborhood, I really enjoyed it.

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