Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter in Spring Hill, Florida

This year we had no choice but to celebrate Easter the traditional way because theres not many alternatives, actually, as I'm typing this, I'm thinking, we DID do lots of traditional Easter activities, BUT we also did non traditional activities too!

Like FLYING A KITE! This idea came about because I was reading my blog from two (or three) years  ago in April and I saw that I was flying a kite in Spain, and that my next kite would be BIGGER and a RAINBOW Kite. It made me sad that I never got to do that, so my family and I packed into the car and went to Walmart (of course, lol) and bought a HUGE kite!

After we ate, we went to the beach, flew kites and watched the sunset. I LOVED it and was smiling the whole time!

Kite flying on Pine Island
Flying a kite with my husband, FLORIDA, 2013
my big RAINBOW kite, three years coming.

A splash from the rest of the day:

cooking, veggies, of course!
Diva-esque during the backyard easter egg hunt!
dying and glittering easter eggs
I still have a few more days in Florida, tomorrow will be the most exciting day, no more kite flying, but we have other things on the exciting/unique agenda... Happy Easter everyone!

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