Thursday, July 25, 2013

creating flow

Lately, I've been doing things that create flow for me, that engage me so much in the activity at hand that I'm fully involved in it and not thinking of anything else. This for me equals happiness, not worrying about time, space, work, or life in general!

These last few weeks I've played paddle ball with children at the beach, had a picnic in the park, spent my grandmothers 91st birthday with her, cooked healthy nourishing foods... in addition to the photos below, I've also been writing a lot more in my journal, sometimes twice a day, and I've read two books. I couldn't put them down!

These are the true pleasures in life. Spending unlimited amounts of time with people, and fully focusing on one thing, multi-tasking and multi-worrying are a product of our overproduced society. They aren't healthy or natural for us. Sometimes we just need a break...

1 comment:

Alex said...

Let's life like that fo eva boo boo!!