Thursday, March 26, 2009

Un "tour" de mi Spanish casa, por fin!

FINALLY!! I had time today to create a virtual tour of my piso. For all the stalkers out there, please don't show up at my house, thanks. (When I lived in Ireland, I had a myspace stalker that showed up at my house one day, luckily I was living with the American Diplomats and we had security-- Also, when I lived in Brooklyn, a guy I dated broke into my house at night and slept in my bath tub and waited for me to wake up the next morning so he could talk to me, luckily I slept at my dad's house that night so my mom and her boyfriend found him the next morning (they knew him)--so I don't say all this to be funny, it's real). Anyway, my address isn't on here, ha.

I use my blog to connect with all my people back home, but also as a time capsule of my life.

aquí está:

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