Saturday, May 2, 2009


I finished the marathon last Sunday in 4 hours & 20 something minutes, almost 40 minutes faster than I said I would for my new years resolution, and more than an hour faster than the Belfast marathon 2 years ago.

I was SOOOOO happy! I knew from the second I started, pouring rain, wind, cold and all, that I would continue running the next 26.2 miles without stopping and that I would be fast. Something told me I would be successful, and I was. All the training paid off!

I decided that part of my identity from now on will be marathon runner, I'll try to run one every year. I want to be more expressive about this, more detailed, maybe in another blog soon...

Picking up my number, there's my screen!
Stretching before the race, 20 minutes to go at this point, I was COLD!!!START, lil me running with the big dogs:
Finished! I was HAPPY and SATISFIED, not like my last race, this was MUCH better, no pain at all!! I WAS SMILING ALL THE WAY THROUGH!

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