Friday, October 8, 2010

Capoeira at Alvin Ailey

You know that little area, or in some peoples cases, big area of skin right below your butt cheek and about 7 inches above the back of your knee cap, yeah, that spot... well, mine hurts.

And let me tell you why, BECAUSE I CAPOEIRA-ed IT OUT LAST NIGHT!

That's right folks, I took a 2 hour Afro-Brazilian dance class, called Capoeira, at the world-famous Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre!!!

It was amazing. This dance is focused on straight lines, smooth movements and inner core strength (which I have from all the running and rollerblading that I do). It combines lots of martial arts elements with dance movements and live music. We sang, we learned movements, we used our own muscles to move our bodies in fascinating ways.

These are the live instruments they used in the class:

It was a unique experience. I love challenging myself and learning about culture, even if a slab of my body is in pain, you know the part under the butt cheek... yeah, that part, but it felt great!

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