Saturday, October 24, 2009

meeting the "in-laws"

Ughhh... for so long I had a "bad" relationship (or no relationship at all) with Spanish guys family. They didn't like me because I am "foreign", because I'm not Spanish, and they LOVED his ex-girlfriend, so for them, I was double-trouble in the family...

I never spoke to them, I never met them, I was with Spanish guy for 7 months now and they never called or came to visit...

Well, today, I had the surprise of my life. His whole generation came to visit! Mother, aunt, cousins, brother, grandparents, sisters of grandfather, etc. WOW!

I was like OK-- this is my house-- I am ME-- I am nice-- I adore Spanish guy-- I treat him good-- and I am friendly-- so I will just be me and ya esta, or "tomar por culo" as the Spanish say.

Well, it was a great success and a great time! I LOVE his grandpa's aunt, we had a good time, talking, eating, they brought LOTS of presents for the house! We spent time on the terrace talking, I was playing with his cousin (who also happens to be a student in my school, so me and her loved each other before, awww...) His mom took pictures of us, she invited us to go shopping with her next weekend, his grandma asked me to come and stay at her house with an overnight bag, and best of all, they were all so proud of him for what we have here!

So, I hope that I changed their mind, and they know that although I may not be his ex and I may be from another country, that doesn't make me bad, mean or a monster. I am a good girl, happy, smart, and most importantly, Spanish guy and I get along GREAT!

I needed to get rid of this prejudice once and for all, it's HORRIBLE! And I think I accomplished it today.

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