Sunday, September 19, 2010

A fire in our Spanish piso.

Im slowly getting over the fact that our Spanish apartment went on fire right after we moved out. The roof collapsed, people and animals died. And the building is empty. Our whole relationship together was based around that place. The neighbors dog was at my birthday party and would always run into our apartment whenever we opened the door and he would hide in there. He passed away in the fire. We were so sad when we found out last week. We went to visit and the picture above is what we walked into.

We would have lost everything, even possibily each other... here I am complaining about my stolen laptop, if I would have stayed in Spain, I would have lost more than my laptop...

This is probably the 6th or 7th time that there was a high possibility that I could have lost my life.
There is a purpose for me to be on this earth.

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